Normics Normalization (Normics using VSN or using Median)
Log2-scaled data should be used as input (on_raw = FALSE).
ain = "raw",
aout = "NormicsVSN",
method = "NormicsVSN",
on_raw = TRUE,
reduce_correlation_by = 1,
NormicsVSN_quantile = 0.8,
TMT_ratio = FALSE,
top_x = 50
- se
SummarizedExperiment containing all necessary information of the proteomic dataset
- ain
String which assay should be used as input
- aout
String which assay should be used to save normalized data
- method
String specifying the method to use (NORMICS or NORMICSmedian)
- on_raw
Boolean specifying whether normalization should be performed on raw or log2-scaled data
- reduce_correlation_by
If the data is too big for the computation of the params, increase this parameter by 2,3,4.... The whole data will still be normalized, but the params are calculated on every second row etc.
- NormicsVSN_quantile
The quantile that is used for the resistant least trimmed sum of squares regression. A value of 0.8 means focusing on the central 80% of the data, reducing the influence of outliers.
- TMT_ratio
Indicates if the data involves Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) ratio-based measurements (common in proteomics). If TRUE, the method may handle the data differently.
- top_x
Number of reference proteins extracted for the calculation of parameters
SummarizedExperiment containing the NormicsVSN/NormicsMedian normalized data as assay (on log2 scale)
tuberculosis_TMT_se <- normicsNorm(tuberculosis_TMT_se, ain = "raw",
aout = "NormicsVSN", method = "NormicsVSN",
on_raw = TRUE)