Raw data should be taken as input (on_raw = TRUE).
- se
SummarizedExperiment containing all necessary information of the proteomic dataset
- ain
String which assay should be used as input
- aout
String which assay should be used to save normalized data
- on_raw
Boolean specifying whether normalization should be performed on raw or log2-scaled data
- VSN_quantile
Numeric of length 1. The quantile that is used for the resistant least trimmed sum of squares regression (see vsn2 lts.quantile)
tuberculosis_TMT_se <- vsnNorm(tuberculosis_TMT_se, ain = "raw",
aout = "VSN", on_raw = TRUE, VSN_quantile = 0.9)
#> Warning: 13 rows were removed since they contained only NA elements.